So Why Does Misalignment Happen?

The touching probe attach at the turret on CNC lathe machine. The quality control on turning machine by touching probe.

When a person’s spine is out of alignment they may have back aches, balance problems and pain. kao takav, they visit a chiropractor to adjust their spine back into its ideal position so it functions as intended. Now what about machines? They don’t have a spine, per se, but they certainly do have many components working together to accomplish tasks… and sometimes machinery goes out of alignment.

Causes of Misalignment

Why does misalignment occur with machinery and various mechanical equipment? Pa, usually there are two rotating shafts that should be working together in sync but they end up no longer parallel to one another, offset or angled wrongly at the coupling. A parallel misalignment occurs because the two shafts do not exist on a parallel plane– the center line is offset.

In addition to parallel misalignments, there are several other misalignments including horizontal (when the angle of one shaft is different than the angle of the other on a horizontal plane) and vertical (when the angle of one shaft is different than the angle of the other on a vertical plane), as well as horizontal angled and offset misalignments when one shaft is both offset and angled differently than the other along a horizontal plane and vertical angled and offset misalignments (one shaft offset and angled differently than the other along a vertical plane).

Posebno, misalignments occur due to things such as pipe strain, thermal expansion, wear (causing sheaves to deform) or baseplate settling irregularly (forming a soft footing). Human error as well as inaccurate assembly of components are also two reasons misalignments occur.

When misalignments occur, you get unsteady motions and movements. Oftentimes bearings and/or couplings become stressed. Seals get damaged. The machinery can end up not even working at all if the misalignment is seriously misaligned!

Srećom, there are Laserski poravnanje alati that can help machine and equipment operators measure and then correct alignment. These tools utilize modern technology to offer precise measurements. If you’d like to learn more about laser alignment tools, nazovite Seiffert Industrial na 1-800-856-0129.