Χρήση εργαλείων λέιζερ για ευθυγράμμιση άξονα

Σύστημα ευθυγράμμισης άξονα λέιζερ

Με τα χρόνια υπήρξαν πολλοί τρόποι για να ευθυγραμμιστούν δύο ή περισσότεροι περιστρεφόμενοι άξονες σε ευθεία γραμμή. Ίσως έχετε ακούσει για μερικά από αυτά - δαγκάνες, dial δείκτες, μετρητές αισθητήρα, Η οπτική ή οι ευθείες άκρες ήταν/είναι μερικές δημοφιλείς μέθοδοι. Αυτό είπε, προτιμάται η σημερινή, modern way to align shafts would be a laser shaft alignment tool which involves using lasers looking at both the vertical and horizontal plane to make sure things are rotating on a common axis.

How it Works

Laser tools use emitters and sensors which are mounted to shafts in such a way that the emitter can shoot a laser across the shaft to the sensor using a single beam laser light set-up. Αυτό είπε, sometimes both sides can emit lasers while also acting as sensors– aka a “dual beam laser.” Either way, thanks to laser beams, the shaft can be rotated to find the center lines of rotation between the two shafts in a precise and accurate way.

Laser tools show what’s going on (oftentimes graphically) via a display unit or tablet. Misalignments can be identified and rectified thanks to vertical or horizontal adjustments. Associated software takes into account allowable tolerances.

Many companies today rely on laser alignment tools to check their alignments annually, as well as to check on recent equipment installs to make sure they’re functioning as intended a couple months down the line. Ιδανικά, companies do not want their rotating machinery to break down– and if there are misalignments, breakdowns can easily happen. No bueno! Properly aligning shafts helps machinery work well, making less noise and using less lubricant. Εν τω μεταξύ, the machines will last longer– a nice bonus.

If you want a tool to use for alignment that’s fast, easy and accurate, then call Seiffert Industrial of Richardson, Τέξας, στο 1-800-856-0129 to ask about laser alignment tools. You can also email info@seiffertindustrial.com