Εάν εργάζεστε με μηχανήματα, θέλετε να λειτουργεί σωστά. Ένας άξονας μηχανής πρέπει να τοποθετηθεί με ακρίβεια εάν θέλει να λειτουργήσει όπως προβλέπεται, και αν είναι λάθος ευθυγράμμιση, θα υπάρχουν κάποια "συμπτώματα" κακής ευθυγράμμισης του άξονα που πιθανότατα θα παρατηρήσετε.
Θέλετε τα μηχανήματα σας να έχουν καλή απόδοση. It needs to be reliable and you ideally don’t want premature wear happening to it, δικαίωμα? Shaft alignment is important; How might you know if you’re dealing with shaft misalignment? What are some things to watch for?
Determining Shaft Misalignment
To determine if the shaft is misaligned, there are five things to notice. Πρώτη, look for an unusual increase in vibration. Επόμενο, listen for an unusual increase of noise during operation. Thirdly, see if there’s excessive heat generation which could mean increased friction is heating things up to the point where the equipment’s safety and efficiency is compromised. Also, look for failing seals or bearings. Τέλος, consider if it seems like there’s reduced operational efficiency such that the machine is using more energy than ever before and costing you more, πάρα πολύ. If you notice these aforementioned symptoms, you probably have a shaft misalignment on your hands.
To figure out what’s going on with your shaft alignment or misalignment (as may be the case) you can use a laser technology shaft alignment tool. This will give an accurate measurement to help you determine exactly what’s good– or bad– about the situation. Using a laser tool can ultimately help you make corrections and adjustments so your alignment is perfect! Decrease downtime and increase efficiency thanks to the use of modern laser alignment tools– their accuracy will astound you.
Seiffert Industrial of Richardson, Τέξας, can help you choose the right εργαλείο ευθυγράμμισης laser– call 800-856-0129 or email info@seiffertindustrial.com for more information. Seiffert is proud to be a “Made in the USA” company.