무엇이 레이저 정렬 도구를 그토록 정확하게 만드는가?

공장에서 레이저 절단 기계 기술 산업 배경

측정의 정확성이 핵심입니다., 오른쪽? 도구를 사용하여 무언가를 잘못 측정하는 경우, 너에게 좋지 않아! 레이저 정렬 도구는 매우 정확합니다.. 무엇이 그렇게 정확한지?

소프트웨어 덕분에, 컴퓨터와 기술 발전, 오늘날의 레이저 정렬 도구는 놀라울 정도로 정확합니다.. 그들은 다음과 같이 프로그래밍되고 설계되었습니다.!

Gravity Doesn’t Matter

Older technology is affected by gravity, but lasers are not. This is a key reason laser tools are great when it comes to measurements. Better than dial gauges or straight edge methods, laser tools allow the user to get the measurement(s) done much faster and much more accurate– lasers can measure down to 0.001 mm– which is something other methods cannot achieve.

Unique Designs

Lasers are designed in such a way to navigate difficult spacing, such that measurements can be taken even with a small shaft rotation of about 40 도. This is helpful when things like piping and equipment try to get in the way. Lasers are highly efficient and offer an increased range of measurements thanks to how they’re programmed. For instance, things like base flatness, twist, straightness and weak foundations can all be measured/determined using one powerful and versatile laser alignment tool.

Advanced Technology

Rather than deal with problems of older methods, like substandard dial bar, incorrect clamp set up or bar sag, lasers are high resolution, no contact, advanced technology that eliminate errors. It’s no wonder they’re so popular.

Do you have questions about laser alignment tools? Do you want to know how they could benefit your business or company? Seiffert Industrial에 전화하십시오. 1-800-856-0129 for more information or use the contact for.

Seiffert Industrial은 Richardson에 위치하고 있습니다., 텍사스, and offers precision laser alignment equipment and services. Check out online videos to see products in action.