Seiffert Industrial is known for selling laser alignment tools, along with pulley alignment systems, parallel roll alignment tools and belt tension meters. But did you know Seiffert Industrial also sells pre-cut stainless steel leveling shims? These items are often used to adjust the height of a motor to allow for accurate alignment of the shafts between a pump and the motor.
An Overview of Shims
Shims are thin and flat pieces of material (in most cases, stainless steel) that are used to fill gaps and/or provide support between surfaces. If and when you need to adjust spacing or set distances in an industrial or construction application, stainless steel shims will help you do so– they’re durable, strong and reliable. Etched with thickness and size indications (making them easily identifiable), Seiffert Industrial’s pre-cut stainless steel leveling shims are easy to use for any application or project. Piemēram, if you want to adjust pulleys, doors or certain machine components, use shims to make sure the positioning is exactly what you need when it comes to measurements and spacing to make sure everything works as intended. Pre-cut shims don’t have bumps or irregularities so they’ll fit smoothly where you put them.
Could you make your own shims? Sure. But it’s probably easier and faster to just buy them already made from Seiffert Industrial. Pre-cut stainless steel leveling shims from Seiffert Industrial will help you save time while enhancing safety, improving precision (and accuracy) all while being cost-effective.
If you deal with pumps and motors and/or work in certain industries (such as paper mills, food processors or refineries) then you might benefit from using pre-cut stainless steel leveling shims from Seiffert Industrial. You can also call Seiffert Industrial at 1-800-856-0129 with any questions you might have.