Jekk tfittex il-kelma "preċiża" fid-dizzjunarju titgħallem li din tfisser "iddefinit jew iddikjarat b'mod preċiż jew qawwi, strettament konformi ma 'mudell, standard jew konvenzjoni...” U jekk tfittex “laser,” it says “an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light or other electromagnetic radiation by stimulated emission of photons from excited… Aqra iktar »
kategorija: Allinjament Laser Għodod
All the Things You Should Know About Laser Shaft Alignment
Sure, you could use a straight edge. Or a dial indicator. What about calipers? Maybe optics? And then there are feeler gauges. But when you need to align a shaft, what’s the best tool of choice? It’s a laser shaft alignment tool. How Laser Shaft Alignment Works Lasers are high-tech, with a laser emitter and… Aqra iktar »
L-Għodda Tiegħi tal-Allinjament tax-Xaft tal-Laser Hija Preċiża Biżżejjed?
Il-magni tiegħek huma allinjati sew? Jekk dawn mhux qed, you need to use an alignment tool to determine what needs to be done to get them back into alignment so they’re not costing you excess time and money. Now in the old days, l-allinjament kien isir bi spezzjoni viżwali mill-għajnejn tal-bniedem, u… Aqra iktar »
What Laser Technology Does for Belt Alignment
Thank our lucky stars for laser technology– it has helped with belt alignment to make many machines work their best! If machinery was or is misaligned then you’d expect higher electricity bills, and that cuts into profits. But having proper alignment, thanks to laser technology? ukoll, that can actually save your company some money– up… Aqra iktar »
Kif Teknoloġiji Laser Jgħinu lin-Negozji Industrijali
It-teknoloġija mxiet triq twila fil-medda ta 'l-aħħar 100 snin jew hekk. Aħseb dwar dan il-mod: fl-iskema tal-affarijiet, it-teknoloġija tal-laser għadha relattivament ġdida, iżda diġà huwa ferm aħjar milli kien meta żviluppat għall-ewwel darba f'nofs is-seklu għoxrin. Laser technologies help industrial businesses perform complex processes… Aqra iktar »