Har du hjelp med parallelle trekkjusteringsproblemer? Seiffert industrielle, et "produsert i USA" selskap i Richardson, Texas, har neste generasjon verktøy for justering av laserruller, inkludert RollCheck® Green og RollCheck® MINI for parallell rullejustering med grønne eller røde synlige laserlinjer. The RollCheck® is used for quick alignment checks and roll replacement. With patented reflected laser beam technology, RollCheck® products offer great quality and precision.
Speed Up Alignment Checks!
If you want a visual tool that can speed up quick alignment checks and the replacement of rolls in the processing industry, then get RollCheck® Green. It’s an alignment tool that uses the latest in green laser technology– 10 times brighter to the operator than a red laser line! When you want an accurate and reliable visual reading, this product delivers. It makes it easy to measure and correct vertical angle (pitch) and horizontal angle (parallelism) between the rolls.
Seiffert Industrial also sells the RollCheck® MINI laser alignment system for parallel roll alignment. It’s lightweight, kompakt og holdbar. While it operates the same way as the RollCheck® Green, it’s smaller so it can fit into tighter places. Did you know that the RollCheck® MINI can measure spans up to 3 ft. (1 m) fra rull til rull størrelser opp til 4” (101 mm) i diameter? The system comes with straps to be attached to the roll.
RollCheck® products are simple to use. One person can operate them and they don’t need any training to do so. Derfor, more frequent roll checks can be made. And here’s the best part: Seiffert Industrial has a Rental Purchase Program, so you get to test the RollCheck® product before purchasing it. Call and ask about RollCheck® today– Seiffert Industrial’s number is 800-856-0129 eller use the online contact form here.