Nedávno, Priemyselné Seiffert bol vybraný VibrAlign slúžiť ako nás distribútor pre FixturLaser geometric laser alignment systems. We’re thrilled to be selected to sell this equipment and value our partnership with VibrAlign. Recently they put together an interesting look on how to improve your alignment and maintenance process with better efficiency. VibrAlign identified five alignment behaviors that can negatively impact the alignment process. You can find the press release by clicking tu, alebo navštíviť ich stránky. We found it very interesting and of course wanted to share it with you. They labeled each issue a different character who has problems with their alignment. Tu je malý príklad toho, čo dali dohromady.
"Timmy vie hriadeľ zarovnanie s jeho laserovým zarovnanie nástroj, len on ’ s stále robí postarom.
Ak ste ’ re robí zarovnanie takhle:
…opatrenie, Povoľte skrutky, upraviť, Utiahnite skrutky,
znovu zmerať, Povoľte skrutky, upraviť, Utiahnite skrutky
znovu zmerať, Povoľte skrutky, upraviť, Utiahnite skrutky
znovu zmerať, Povoľte skrutky, upraviť, Utiahnite skrutky
…potom možno budete obracia Timmy taky."
All five characters have interesting traits and it’s entertaining as well. Hopefully this helps you and gives you the confidence to use any of the FixturLaser produkty, alebo niektorý z našich laserové produkty počas najbližších zarovnanie.