類別: 對齊方式


The touching probe attach at the turret on CNC lathe machine. The quality control on turning machine by touching probe.

When a person’s spine is out of alignment they may have back aches, balance problems and pain. 因此, they visit a chiropractor to adjust their spine back into its ideal position so it functions as intended. Now what about machines? They don’t have a spine, per se, but they certainly do have many components閱讀更多 »


滑輪 PRO 綠色

滑輪對準例程的主要部分, 預防性維護. 有許多原因,以確保維修人員定期檢查皮帶輪對. 這是幾個的原因皮帶輪對如此重要. Why Pulleys Matter A wide variety of industrial equipment uses pulleys and閱讀更多 »


Pulley Pro 激光皮帶對中

When it comes to industrial machinery, precision is the name of the game, as even minor misalignments in your belt-driven systems can lead to costly downtime, inefficiencies, and premature wear on critical components. That’s where laser belt pulley alignment comes into play. What Is Laser Belt Pulley Alignment? Laser belt pulley alignment is used to閱讀更多 »



如果您在游泳池中,並且所有孩子都在游泳池周圍向一個方向移動, 然後漩渦效應發生了,很酷. 一切都朝一個方向流動,如果你試圖阻止它, 祝你好運! 你只會隨波逐流. 現在如果每個人同時停下來並且… 閱讀更多 »



如果您有工業設備, 然後你知道,有時它可能會失去對準,從而影響性能……最終設備可能會損壞,然後就會出現停機時間——當你應該工作但機器無法工作時,可怕的停機時間會破壞進度並削減利潤人們很生氣… 閱讀更多 »